Anna Dello Russo designt Accessoires für H&M
Und wieder eine Spezial-Kollaboration bei H&M; Fashionista Anna Dello Russo wird Accessoires für die Schweden designen. Als Fashion Director weiss Anna Dello Russo, worauf es ankommt; glamourös und verspielt sollen es werden. Zu haben dann ab dem 4. Oktober, in 140 Läden und online.
Schmuck, Sonnenbrillen, Schuhe, Taschen und einen Trolley designt Miss Russo dann. Die Fashionista arbeitete schon für die Vogue Italia als Fashion Editor, mit Fotografen wie Helmut Newton, Michel Comte oder Walter Chin und war danach Editor in Chief der L’Uomo Vogue. Aktuell ist sie bei der Vogue Japan.
Sie sagt zum Projekt: “I am excited by this collaboration: this is the first time H&M involves a Fashion Director in a special project. This is the sign of an important evolution in fashion, and I am both thrilled and humbled to be the one chosen to lead it. I wanted to create precious accessories that are impossible to find.
As a stylist I know accessorization is essential: it is the personal touch to any outfit. With these pieces everybody can have fun, turning an ordinary day into a fantastic fashion day”, so Anna Dello Russo.
“It’s been extremely exciting to involve Anna Dello Russo in this project, something completely different from what we have done before. Anna has a fantastic eye and a strong taste, apart from being a veritable fashion icon. She produced an extravagant range of accessories that will get H&M customers and everyone in love with fashion excited. The collection is a celebration of excess, fantasy and decoration” so Margareta van den Bosch, Creative Advisor bei H&M. Man darf gespannt sein:
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