B&B Summer 2010 – Bread and Butter Berlin vom 7.-9. Juli 2010 “Premier League”

Vom 07. bis 09. Juli 2010 heißt die BREAD & BUTTER unter dem Motto PREMIER LEAGUE zum dritten Mal in Berlin-Tempelhof alle Fashionistas willkommen!
Diesmal ist die Liste der teilnehmenden Labels auch wieder alles andere als eintönig. Wir können es kaum erwarten!
Hier die Ausstellerliste:
0039 Italy | 2 TWO | 7Rockers | 23:23 | 80%20 | 365 Jeans |
A&G rock and roll couture | A-Style | Aaiko | Acupuncture | adidas Originals | Advanced Minority | Affliction Clothing | AG Adriano Goldschmied | AIAIAI | Airwalk | Akomplice | Alan Paine | Alejandro Ingelmo | Alpha Industries | Alphanumeric | Alternative Apparel | American College USA | American Vintage | Amplified | Antik Denim | Armor Lux | ARQUEONAUTAS | Arrow | aunts & uncles | Australia Luxe Collective |
B.D. Baggies | b.young | Baby Phat | BAILEY of HOLLYWOOD | Bamboo “A” | Barbour | Barrie | Barts | BBB by uslu airlines | Bed Stu | Bejeweled | Bench | Benny Yoshiku | Ben Sherman | Bensimon Collection | Best Mountain | Birkenstock | BISONTE | BJÖRN BORG | Björkvin | BK British Knights | Black Orchid | Blauer | Blaumax | Blend | Blendshe | Bloch | Blomor | Blood & Glitter | Blowfish | Blue Blood | Blutsgeschwister | bobi | Bomboogie | Boom Bap | BOSS Orange | Boxfresh | Braez | Bray Steve Alan | Brokedown Clothing L.A. | Brooks England | Buckaroo Jeans | BUCO | Buffalo Boots | BULK | Bus Urban Wear | By Ti-Mo |
C1RCA | Camel Active | CAMO | Camper | CAMPUS by Marc O’Polo | Canada Goose | Catbalou | Century Box | Charapa | Chaser LA | Cheapo Footwear | Checkin’Out 1212 | Chillnorway | Chipie Shoes | Christian Audigier | Christys’ Crown Series | Chunk | CINQUE | Civil Smith | ck Calvin Klein Footwear | Clae | Clarks Originals | Closed | Cocaine Cowboys | Codello | Colcci | Cold Method | Colin’s | Colors of California | Coloud | Common Wealth | Converse | Coral Blue | CORE SPIRIT | Costo | Cowboys Belt | Cream | Creative Recreation | Criminal Damage | Cross Colours | Cross Jeanswear Co. | CRUST | Cruyff Classics | Custo Barcelona |
D.A.T.E. | Dangered | Dayton | Deby Debo | DEEDAY | DEHA | DekHer | Dekker | Delan | Demonade | DENHAM the jeanmaker | Denim Junkie | DEPT | Dept Denim Department | Derhy | Desigual | DIESEL | Dirtee Hollywood | Disney Couture | Djinns | DND Denim Development | Dockers K-1 | Dolomite | Double-M | Double Black | do you read me?! | Dr. Denim Jeansmakers | Drakes | DreamTeam | Drunknmunky | Drykorn | DUKES Finest Vintage Artisan | DURKL |
E.vil | Ecko Unltd. | Ecko Unltd. MMA | Ed Hardy | Edsor Kronen | Edwin | EJECT | Eleven | Elia Maurizi | Ellesse | El Naturalista | Elvine | Emily the Strange | EMU Australia | Energie | English Laundry by Christopher Wicks | erfurt luxury accessories | Esemplare | Eskey | Et compagnie… | Eucalyptus | European Culture | Evisu | Excessive |
Fame F.F.C.C. | Federation | Feiyue | Feud London | Filson | Firetrap | fleamadonna | flip*flop | Floris van Bommel | Fly53 | Flying A | Fly London | Fornarina | Fortunate Sun | FOX HEAD | Fracomina | Frank Wright | Fred de la Bretonière | Fred Perry Ltd. | Free For Humanity | Freeman T. Porter | Freesoul | Friis & Company | Fruit of the Loom | Frye | Fuga |
G-Star RAW | G-Star RAW Footwear | Gang | GANT Footwear | GAS | Gaudì | Gentle Fawn | GEORGE GINA & LUCY | German Garment | Gilded Age | Gio-Goi Footwear | Gipsy | Global Funk | Gloverall | Gola Classics | Goldspun | Goliath | Goosecraft | Greedy Genius | Grotesque | GUESS Jeans | Guru | Gwynedds |
hüftgold | HAMAKI-HO | Hans Boodt Mannequins | Happy Socks | Hard Hearted Harlot | Harley Davidson Clothing | Harrington | Hartford | Havaianas | Heartloom | Hell’s Kitchen | Hells Bells | Henleys | Henri-Lloyd | Herrlicher | Heyu | HL Jeans Co. | Hoon | Hot Tuna | House of the Gods | HTC Hollywood Trading Company | Huberman’s New York | HUB Footwear | Humör | Humanity for all | Human Potential | hummel |
Ichi | Ignite | INIS MEÁIN | Ipanema | Iriedaily | Iron Fist | IVKO |
J’hayber | J.W. Tabacchi | Japan Rags | JC Rags | jean paul | Jeepers Peepers | JEEPNEY | JEFFREY CAMPBELL | Jessica Kagan Cushman | JNXD | Joker Brand | Jost | Joyce cashmere | Junk de Luxe | Junk Food | Just Female |
Kön & Mön | K-Swiss | Kaffe | Kaksitva | Kangol | Kaporal 5 | Kawasaki | Keds | Kejo | Kennet Street | Kersh | Kettle Black L.A. | Khirma Eliazov | khujo | Kickers | Killah | King Baby Studio | King Krash | King Louie | Klaya | Kling | Knowledge Cotton Apparel | Kocca | Koolaburra | KR3W | Kuro Denim | Kusan | Kuyichi |
L.R.G. | Lacoste | Lacoste Footwear | LA FÉE Maraboutée | Lanugo | Latini | Lauren Moshi | Lavand | Lazy Oaf | Le Duke of St. James | Lee 101 | Lee Archives | Lee Cooper | Les Nereides | Le Temps des Cerises | LEVI’S® | LEVI’S® Accessories | LEVI’S Made & Crafted | LEVI’S Vintage Clothing | Lexington Clothing Co | Leyendecker Los Angeles | Libertine-Libertine | LIFUL | Lise Lindvig | Liu Jo | LNA | Local Celebrity | Logosh!rt | Lomography | Lonsdale | Loreak Mendian | Lost Angle | Lotus Jeans | LRG Headphones | LTB | Ludwig Reiter | Lukou | Lyle & Scott | Lysgaard | Ma.Strum | MAD FOOT! | Maguba | Maison Clochard | Maison Scotch | MAKIA | Manhattan Portage | Marc O’Polo | Margit Brandt | MARITHÉ + FRANCOIS GIRBAUD | Marithé + Francois Girbaud Actlive | Married to the MOB | Marshall Headphones | Maruti | Mass Denim (MASSDNM) | Master Smith | Matt & Nat | Maui and Sons USA | Mauritius | Mavi Jeans | maze | mbym | Meindl | MEK Denim | Melissa | Meltin’ Pot | Merc London | Met | Mexicana | Milk & Roses | millerostock | Mina UK | Minimum | Miss Sixty | Mistral | MLB | mode… information | Modström | Moma | MOO bags | Moriano | Morrison // Howlin | Moschino | Motel | Mou | MUNICH “Special Edition” | Mustang |
nümph | n.d.c. made by hand | N.Z.A. New Zealand Auckland Men | N.Z.A New Zealand Auckland Ladies | N2 | Narrative | nat & nin | Nat-2 | New Balance | New Era | Nickelson | Niconé | Nike | Nikita | nique | Nixon | Noa Noa | Nobis | Noblesse | NOBRAND | No Excess | Nudie Jeans Co. |
Oakwood | Octopus Accessories | Odd Molly | Officine Creative | Olga de Polga | OneFourteen | One Green Elephant | One Teaspoon | ONE T SHIRT | Onitsuka Tiger | Orciani | Orion London | Orisue | Outpost Trading Co. | Oxmo |
PACE Jeans | PAJAR CANADA | Palladium | Pantanetti | Papfar | Papillio | Parasuco | Penfield | Pepa Loves | Pepe Jeans London | Petrol | PF Flyers | Philipp Plein | Phobia | Planet Earth | Plomo o Plata | Pointer Footwear | Polo Jeans Co. Ralph Lauren | Post Fire Dew | Post`age | Pretty Ballerinas | Primeboots | prim i am | Primitive | Product Classics | Pro Keds | PRPS | Prps Heirloom | PRVCY Premium Denim | Psycho Cowboy | Puma | Punkrose | Punk Royal | Pure Oz | pushBUTTON | Pussy Deluxe |
Q |
RÜTME | R 95th | R867 | Radii Footwear | ragwear | Rawberry | Rebel Cashmere | Red Oak | Redskins Territory | Red Soul | Red Wing Shoes | Religion | Remetee | Replay | Replay Footwear | Revolution | rich & royal | Rider | RM Williams | Robb and Hugo | Robey | Robin’s Jean | Rocket Dog | Rock n Luck | Rocksmith | Rockstar Original | Royal Underground | Rubberduck | Rucanor |
Sébola | S’NOB | S***R | S.enSoie Paris | Sack’s | Saint Tropez | Salsa | Saucony Originals | Schiesser Revival | Scholl | Schott NYC | Scotch & Soda | SECOND FEMALE | Seil Marschall & Khaki- Outfitters | SELECTED FEMME/HOMME | Sendra Boots | Serfontaine | SET | Shabbies Amsterdam | Shulong | Silver Dagger | Silver Star | Silvian Heach | Simbols | Simple Shoes | Sir Benni Miles | Sisi Wasabi | Skank | Skunkfunk | Slazenger | Smet | Smiley Happy Cashmere | Smiley Happy Sports | Smileyworld Vintage | Smirk | Solid Jeans | Sorel | Soul Edge | Sperry Top-Sider | Spiewak | Spingle Move | Spitfire | Sportalm | Sportswear International | SPY | st-martins | STAFF Jeans & Co. | Staple | State of Art | Stetson | Steven Alan | Strellson Premium | Strellson Sportswear | Striipe | Style Butler | SU75 | Sugarhill Boutique | SUIT | Summer Inside | Superdry | Superga | Super Sunglasses | Supra | Supremebeing | Svea | Sweet Years |
T-LEVEL | T.K. Garment Supply | Take-Two | Takeshy Kurosawa | Tarina Tarantino | Taverniti SO | Tees Me | Ten C | Textilwirtschaft | The Labelfinder | TH Gallery | THIS IS WHO I AM | Threadless | Throttleman | TIE-UPS | Tigerhill | Tiger Sushi Furs | Tiggers | Timezone | Timo | Titis | tokidoki | Tokyo Jane | ToonStar | Traffic People | TRIBECA New York | Tricker’s | Triet | True Love & False Idols | True Religion Brand Jeans | Turnover | Twelve Symbols | Twist & Tango | Two Angle |
Uncle Bill | Unltd. by Marc Ecko | Urban Code | Urbanears |
Vagabond | VALMAS | Van Gils | Vanzetti | Vanzetti Selection | Velour | VENTE-PRIVEE.COM | VICE Magazine | Vintage 1 | Vintage 55 | Vintage Laundry | Violet | Vitamin A | Vive Maria | Volta Footwear |
W6YZ | Warhol’s Silver Factory | WeAr Magazine | Wellensteyn | Wemoto | WeSC | Who’s that Girl | Wildfox | William Rast | | WLG by GIORGIO BRATO | WNBS | Wolverine 1000 Mile Collection | Wood Wood | Wow To go | Wrangler |
YELL! Industry | YourEyesLie | Yumi |
Z-Brand | Zanerobe | Zoo York Footwear |

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